2025 Frequently
Asked Questions
What are the Age Groups?
We have changed the age groups this year as we felt the previous ages were in some cases too big of an age spread. The new age groups are:
Juniors: 8-10
Intermediates: 11-14
Seniors: 15-18
How many youth will be accepted into the Fall Program this year?
Due to the interest in this amazing program, we have decided to do two casts for the show. We are accepting 140 youth this year! It is still by first come, first serve registration.
Why do you limit your class size?
It has been our experience that programs that enroll a large number of kids in their classes are also the ones in which children have the least fun and are the least involved and engaged. When there are too many participants, often there can be too little for some to do in class and then, consequently, on stage.
Therefore, to ensure that all our participants have a significant amount of material to learn and perform, we keep our class numbers to a very reasonable size. There truly are no small roles in our productions.
What is included in the registration fee?
All classes, rehearsals, and performances. Youth will also receive a free T-shirt and a group photo.
What is the schedule for the Fall Program?
Classes & Rehearsals: September 6 to November 23 (no classes October 11 & 12)
Show Dates: November 28 to December 6
Juniors: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Intermediates & Seniors: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
*Some classes will be at Margo Fournier Arts Centre
How does registration work?
Opens May 1, 2025, at 6:00 PM through the City’s registration software, Xplor Recreation.
Create an account in advance:
Click “Signup” at the top)
For more information and topics on registration, visit:
How do you communicate with the parents/guardians/youth?
We have a consistent Broadway North Coordinator (BNC for short – an EA Rawlinson Centre Guest Services Attendant) whose primary role is to communicate between the Creative Team and the youth’s families/caregivers. The BNC works all Saturdays/Sundays and one-half day at the beginning of each week to send weekly communication and support the program. Any questions you may have should be directed to the BNC – such as if your child is sick and will miss a class/rehearsal or if they lost something. There is also a parent hub (password protected) on our website for access to Broadway North Youth Theatre information.
How do you decide what part my child will play in the show?
At the beginning of each session, we hold singing and acting auditions (and dancing auditions, if necessary) to determine whose abilities are best suited to what role in the play.
We make sure to introduce all audition material to the participants before we hold these auditions, and we help them prepare properly by going over the required song and lines and by giving them pointers and tips as to what constitutes a good audition.
Parts will be handed out following this process and we immediately begin learning the show! All participants will receive a script and sheet music if appropriate.
What if my child is more comfortable in one discipline than another (singing, dancing, acting)? How might this affect their role?
In a musical, there is little doubt that the singing and acting components often go hand in hand. However, there are often many parts available that involve no singing or minimal singing just as there are parts that may have more singing and less acting lines. We always attempt to place each child in a role that will show off their strengths while still giving them opportunities to participate in all elements of the musical so they can gradually feel more secure and gain experience and confidence in all aspects of the performance.
What and when is the Summer Intensive?
Summer Intensive is a one-week Musical Theatre Camp which includes drama, music, and dance instruction, culminating in a mini showcase for families. It will be held from July 14 to 18, 2025. Registration starts on June 1 at 6:00 pm. For more information and tips on registration, visit: https://www.earc.ca/summer-intensive